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Face-to-Face Training
Face-to-face WHS training that sticks. In the classroom. In the field. In person.

Sometimes, face-to-face WHS training is the only way to engage, educate and ensure your people embrace workplace health and safety. Talk to our training team about making best practice second nature.

What WHS face-to-face training do we offer?

We provide workplace health and safety training programs and awareness courses across three core areas of WHS capability:

Safety Leadership Training

Improve your safety culture, enhance decision making, boost communication skills and become proactive in risk management. These are some of the learning outcomes of our safety leadership training program. Written by organisational psychology experts, this program is aligned with the latest research in safety leadership science.

Read the program structure and find out more…

Safety Leadership Training

In-field coaching

Learning doesn’t stop when we leave the classroom and neither should your approach to developing competency. We believe that the biggest predictor in the success of a training program, is how effectively the skills are applied and implemented where it counts – ‘on the shop floor’. Our team of trainers are just as comfortable in the field as they are in the classroom.


Risk Competency Course

Our two-day Risk Competency course takes you and your team beyond basic risk management and assessment training and into the deep psychological factors that come into play. As well as learning risk management fundamentals, you’ll understand how our thoughts, behaviours and emotions influence how we deal with risk. Harness this, and you’ll discover how to make safer, more effective decisions.
Risk Competency 

Can we create custom WHS training packages?

Of course. Making WHS as effective as possible means putting your people first, so we can tailor our risk, investigation and auditing programs to suit your workforce. Or we can design and deliver workplace or project-specific training from scratch to meet your unique requirements.

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